Thursday, July 6, 2017

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

Well, today is the day. This is what we have been "training for". I see Jesus gently jogging ahead of Perry and I leading us through a cross country trail of sorts. Trying to fix our eyes on Him as he helps us dodge the obstacles in our path, trusting Him as He winds us through uncharted territory.

And as we are running, I hear you all cheering us on. I see you, friends, passing the baton to the next friend, as you jog alongside us for a stint. I see you on the side of the path shouting words of encouragement as we run past you. Thank you.  We are NOT alone. We are following the Greatest and we see, feel, and hear you...helping us to keep running.

This is what you are shouting:
-I'll do anything you need me to do
-Let me help you pack
-Use my suitcase
-Have this money
-Take my purse to use
-I'll fold your laundry
-Here is a rice cooker
-I've printed these Scripture cards out for you
-Text me anytime
-I'll take your kids where there need to go
-I could be there tomorrow if you need me
-Don't worry about a thing
-I'm happy to love on your children for the next 9 days
-I'll meet you at the airport
-Let us pray over you
-Let me make a meal sign up for you
-I'm praying for you
-I'm thinking about you
-You got this
-I'll post your syllabus for you
-I'll wrap that gift for you
-I will make you cool t-shirts to wear
-Here is a text, email, post of encouragement....

I'm overwhelmed by your support. Really. I'm overwhelmed by His provision. Every. single. step. of the way. I feel unworthy, scared, excited, dependent.

We will go where He sends us.

As a friend reminded me this morning, "Each change that is made in our families, is a death to our old family in a sense." She is right. Things will never be the same. I am praying they will be deeper and richer. One thing is for sure, I will follow my Heavenly Father. Joseph followed Him and he was beat, thrown in a pit, sold, slandered, and then was used to save God's chosen people.
Remind me if you see me in the pit, Egypt is ahead.

I read this recently:
"The only way anyone gets to adoption is through a door of loss and unless you fully feel the depth of that loss, the door you're walking through leads to nowhere honest."
"There are scars you can't erase, all you can do is write more love into them".

So- obviously I am an emotional ball of mess. Taking one foot and putting it in front of the other. Super excited about this adventure and very aware of my constant neediness.

My adoption into Christ's family through His blood, all the more rich.
If I had a theme song these past few days, it would be this: He is God of the hills and valleys.

theme song
I love you guys! Thank you for jogging with us!

Hills and Valleys

I've walked among the shadows
You wiped my tears away
And I've felt the pain of heartbreak
And I've seen the brighter days
And I've prayed prayers to heaven from my lowestplace
And I have held the blessings
God, you give and take away
No matter what I have, Your grace is enough
No matter where I am, I'm standing in Your love
On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the one who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes to the one who sees me there
When I'm standing on the mountain aft, didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking through the valley end, no I am not alone!
You're God of the hills and valleys!
Hills and Valleys!
God of the hills and valleys
And I am not alone!
I've watched my dreams get broken
In you I hope again!
No matter what I know
Know I'm safe inside Your hand
On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the one who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes to the one who sees me there
When I'm standing on the mountain aft, didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking through the valley end, no I am not alone!
You're God of the hills and valleys!
Hills and Valleys!
God of the hills and valleys
And I am not alone!
Father, you give and take away
Every joy and every pain
Through it all you will remain
Over it all!
Father, you give and take away
Every joy and every pain
Through it all you will remain
Over it all!
And I am not alone!
And I will choose to say "Blessed be Your name, yeah, yeah"
And I am not alone